20 a day smoker feels force field around him preventing him smoking

Billy had been smoking since 8 years old. Watch his compelling story of change thanks to Cumberland Hypnotherapy. He simply can not smoke anymore.

3 min watch
Raj quit smoking and shares his experience 18 months after treatment

Raj now sees smoking as a thing of the past. He can’t even imagine smoking ever again.

Maria smoked 20 cigarettes a day. She shares her experience 3 years post treatment.

“I changed that day. I have never thought about cigarettes in the last 3 years since my session. I have continued to feel positive and healthy. You have changed my life in so many ways”

15 year smoker quits after 4 hour single session

Abi tried everything to quit, patches, gum but nothing was working.  She decided she wanted hypnotherapy for smoking. After dealing with her habit on an emotional level, she is now in control and a happy ex-smoker. 

2 min watch

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