The Perpetual Smoker…no more
The Perpetual Smoker…no more
With all the government health warnings against the dangers of smoking, it may be a wonder why many still cannot stop smoking. Others could be clean for months and then find themselves slipping into their old addictions again. This is because they have not demolished their beliefs about smoking and have not really developed an…
Why NHS Support our Methodology
Many of our everyday problems, we suffer through alone. We hear other people cheer us on and tell us we can do it, but there are detractors who believe that nothing can be done with their current situation. While many resort to popular methods that claim to help with their issues, there is a rise…
Stop ‘Trying’ just ‘Stop’ Smoking 2015
Smoking is not a mere vice; it’s a serious problem with underlying causative factors that are all the doing of the brain. The brain reacts to certain stressful situations and the reaction varies from person to person. This reaction to the trigger, the stimuli of which may manifest as crises or stress, may induce some…
Dealing with Smoking Relapse
Smoking is a habit that is connected with various diseases. Smoking has been prevalent in society ever since people started smoking tobacco back in the 1800s. In modern society, cigarettes have replaced tobacco as the most common smoking paraphernalia. It is estimated that about 42.1 million people or 18.1% of adults in the United States…