Got Thin – Got Fat Again!

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I have struggled with my weight for such a long time. It was not that I was not concerned or conscious about my health. With everyone telling me I should lose weight, it can get pretty annoying and depressing at the same time thinking they do not have to rub it in my face. I guess people could not help it. But even with the best intentions, those comments did not help.

At Cumberland Hypnotherapy I discovered hypnotherapy for weight loss. Although doubtful, I was hoping it will help put an end to my weight misery and finally free me from my struggles and yo yo dieting. Change was all I wanted. But I have to admit I was thinking twice and I seriously questioned whether Hypnotherapy could help me achieve the results I was hoping for.

Initial Phone Consultation

Honestly, I did not know what to expect but after an initial 25 minutes phone consultation with Adam himself and qualifying for the treatment I was feeling more confident about the process. I was told the treatment will be a single session that will last for four hours. What could we possibly do for four straight hours I thought.

My 4 Hour Single Session Treatment

One of the biggest issues I dealt with was emotional eating. When I feel down, frustrated or anxious, I turned to food. Binge eating became a habit, an unshakeable one. Also like Adam Cumberland use to, I had a thing for chocolate but all that became a thing of the past. It took 4 hours of hypnotherapy for weight loss to change me for the better and I could feel it. Right after the session when I opened my eyes, I felt wonderful. Who would have thought hypnosis for weight loss, I certainly didn’t. I felt like a weight had been lifted mentally. My eyes were actually sparkling and I felt a powerful shift in my thinking. I felt empowered in a way I have never felt before. Adam mentioned I would experience a multitude of emotions and he was right.


I lost substantial weight and I am so proud of what I have accomplished. Now, I am not only in better shape physically. I am also in a much better place emotionally. Confidence used to be a foreign word but it is so real to me now. My only regret was that I did not do hypnosis for weight loss sooner. But that regret has now been replaced with “thank god I got this handled when I did”
I realise in life that whenever we want achieve something it is always best to reach out to others that have already gone down that path. I feel much more open and feel I’m now growing as a person and no longer in my jeans size.

Fiona Drake – London

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